Peanut Butter and Apple Sandwich Grilled with Sage Butter



I made this sandwich for Mark for breakfast this morning, but I’m sure you  could make it for any meal you please.

Sage Butter is something I already had in the fridge.  I decided to start cooking with a butter/olive oil blend that i will share with you.  It’s super simple and you can use it for almost everything.

Sage Butter

1 stick room temperature butter (let it soften out of the fridge so it’s easy to mix)

1/2 cup olive oil

1 tsp. dried sage


Just mix them all together in a container, and don’t put it in the fridge yet, because it’s time to make the sammie!

Now for the sandwich:

2 slices 100% whole wheat bread

peanut butter

1 apple peeled and sliced

sage butter


1. Spread the peanut butter thinly on both slices of bread.

2. Put a layer of apple slices on one piece of bread, and then put the other piece of bread on top.

3.  Spread a thin layer of the sage butter on both sides of the sandwich.

4. Throw the sandwich on the skillet until it’s slightly brown on one side, and then flip it and brown the other side.

13. September 2009 by Glade
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