Biznazty: A *small* small business club
One thing that has kept me motivated for the past two months has been starting a club for my small business friends, called Biznazty, to get together and productively talk about issues we are facing. We are all at the very beginning stage of starting a business. We are meeting once a month currently. The first meeting was in February, and we talked a lot about Etsy. The second meeting was focusing on Press Releases.
I will attempt to post a few good lessons from each meeting as they happen.
Get a financial adviser at your bank! Your bank should have a small business adviser to help you and give you tips. If you can’t find this service at your bank, you should probably find a bank that has this service.
A member of the group Cathy, with Sacred Soil (organic gardening), went to a *free* press release class at Big Austin. They have 2-3 free workshops a week. This is an incredible resource.
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