Thursday: Misprint Beard and Moustache Competition

Tonight at Club Deville. Misprint is the zine that makes fun of every great thing in Austin. If you feel personally offended while reading Misprint, you should consider yourself lucky, and you should consider yourself an asshole. The competition has seven divisions: Gnarliest Beard, Best Groomed Beard, Sweetest stache, Fiercest Chops, The Donegal, Lady’s Division, and Freestyle.

22. February 2007 by Glade
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Parts and Labour 3rd Birthday Party

Tonight at the Side Bar. My lovely roommate Jenny of clothing label, Machine Ballerina, sells her wears at Parts and Labour. Parts and Labour the best lil’ boutique and part of the reason I moved to Austin. Located on South Congress, they sell hand-crafted goods made in Texas. Support local business!

21. February 2007 by Glade
Categories: What I'm doing tonight | Comments Off on Parts and Labour 3rd Birthday Party

Multimedia message

Party animal

20. February 2007 by Glade
Categories: What I'm doing tonight | Comments Off on Multimedia message

Tuesday: Slow Jams at the Longbranch

The Longbranch is a tight lil’ spot most nights, but every Tuesday is especially hot. Slow Jams. Come out and dance with me.

20. February 2007 by Glade
Categories: What I'm doing tonight | 1 comment

Monday: Sitting around the kitchen table with friends

There is much to be said for Monday evening stillness. I have completely exhausted the fun out of the weekend. I’ve wrung out all the juiciness. B has more weekend left in her though. Sitting around with two of my best ladies and having a moment its all I need right now. This is the beginning of a beautiful blog.

20. February 2007 by Glade
Categories: What I'm doing tonight | 1 comment

Picture of Sergio and Jenny at Jackalope

Sergio and jenny at the jackalope

19. February 2007 by Glade
Categories: What I'm doing tonight | 1 comment

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