Tag Archives for art
Monday Love
Check out Liz Wolfe’s Art: Today is the year and a half anniversary of dating my love, Mark. We are going out to dinner and a movie to celebrate. We are going to see UP, and it looks great:
Tuesday Finds: Classy!
***Note: The Earrings in this post are made by Owliday Inn, and she has offered a 10% discount to glademade blog readers. When you are checking out just mention “glade”, and you will receive the discount. Thanks Owliday Inn!
Check out Glademade.net 2.0
The brand new version of my website is up and running. Take a look! I’d love to hear your comments about it. Thank you, thank you, thank you Mark for designing the website!
Bright Paper Art!
Here are my 5x7s exposed:
Wednesday: New FAVE
I have a new favorite artist: Amanda Browder. I found her on the 303Grand site, because someone contacted me to sell my Mother’s day cards on their Mother’s Day pop-up store. Check out her website which is amazing: Amanda Browder
Tuesday Finds: More Art!
One word: Adorable!
Monday’s Finds: ART!
Hello Lovely Readers, It is a rainy, floody, tornado-y day here in Austin, TX. I went to the post office this morning to send my first-ever INTERNATIONAL greeting card order to the U.K. on my lunch break. My shoes are … Continue reading